Friday 12 August 2011

The swallows that have been nesting in our stables block are on to their third brood!  There are currently 12 nests in use in various rooms of the stables, some with eggs, and some with chicks like these.  This nest is in our wildlife room.  It is being filmed (you can see the camera in the background) so we can watch the chicks being fed, and growing up.  The footage is being shown on a screen in the wildlife room. 

The swalow chicks were ringed this week as part of our Wildlife Wednesday events.  There will be bird ringing demonstrations at the stables block every Wednesday of the school summer holidays.

It won't be very long until the swallows start to gather together before they begin their journey south for the winter.  Hopefully the weather will improve soon so the parents can feed these chicks up, building up their strength for their long journey.

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